Florida Mediation Services

Lengthy litigation can have very high costs. You may be battling for years, accumulating thousands of dollars in court costs and attorneys’ fees and battling significant emotional strain. Mediation is an alternative to the lengthy litigation process that allows both parties to come to an agreement quickly outside of the courtroom.

Advantages of Mediation

Effective mediation has many advantages to other dispute resolution processes in addition to potentially saving the parties substantial costs and time. Since mediation is confidential, you can maintain your families’ and your own privacy from the public eye. This same confidentiality allows the parties to consider alternative settlements and resolutions and to speak candidly about their concerns. It is even possible to reach creative agreements in mediation that is outside of what the Court may consider ordering. For these reasons, it is important to utilize a mediator that will provide alternative options to address all parties’ concerns.

The best resolutions are the ones where neither party leaves the table happy.
— Richard J. Mockler, Shareholder

Our Team

Richard Mockler is a certified Florida Supreme Court Civil and Family Mediator. He will help you reach an amicable resolution to your situation and will remain neutral to each side throughout. He can also assist in writing and distributing settlement documents should you reach an agreement. Your mediator is not able to force any party to sign any agreements or give any legal advice, but rather helps focus each side, offers suggestions, and facilitates an agreement between the parties. For more information on mediation services, please click here.


If you have questions concerning your legal rights, contact us or call (813) 331-5699 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.